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Posts by category
- Category: Blog
- Newsletter Spring 1 (12/20/2024)
- Admissions Policy consultation for 2026/27 (12/12/2024)
- Newsletter Autumn 1 (10/27/2024)
- Newsletter Summer 1 (05/24/2024)
- School Street is 1! (05/10/2024)
- Scholastic Book Fair (05/10/2024)
- PTA Basket Bash Fundraiser is Back! (05/10/2024)
- Can Year 5 run for an entire morning? – Amazing Update! (05/03/2024)
- Coffee on the School Run? (05/02/2024)
- School Street is nearly 1!
(04/19/2024) - LE CLUB FRANÇAIS (04/19/2024)
- PTA Gardening Day at the Infants (04/18/2024)
- ‘Can Year 5 run for an entire school morning?’ (04/18/2024)
- PTA Information (03/15/2024)
- Our visit from the North West Air Ambulance (03/15/2024)
- A New Look for the Sparkle Room (03/08/2024)
- PTA Race Night (03/01/2024)
- Mother’s Day Gift Sale (03/01/2024)
- Newsletter Spring 1 (02/09/2024)
- Newsletter Autumn 2 (12/22/2023)
- Supporting Anxious Children (10/20/2023)
- Newsletter Autumn 1 (10/20/2023)
- PACT Stockport (10/04/2023)
- Ofsted Report (09/12/2023)
- Newsletter Summer 2 (09/04/2023)
- Newsletter Summer 1 (06/13/2023)
- PTA Father’s Day Gift Sale (05/24/2023)
- Restorative Champions (05/03/2023)
- Newsletter Spring 2 (03/31/2023)
- Virtual Sleep Seminar (03/30/2023)
- PTA Events in March (03/10/2023)
- Newsletter Spring 1 (02/27/2023)
- February Kids Camp (02/15/2023)
- Stockport Music Stars (01/13/2023)
- 5 Ways To Feel Good (01/13/2023)
- Newsletter Autumn 2 (12/22/2022)
- Stockport Music Stars (12/06/2022)
- Newsletter – Autumn 1 (10/21/2022)
- Harvest Festival 2022 (10/18/2022)
- CAMHS Open Day (10/14/2022)
- Infant Gate Access (10/04/2022)
- Welcome to St Thomas’ Miss McGuire (Y4) and Mrs Sargent (Y1) (09/16/2022)
- PTA Discos KS2 - 3&4 / 5&6
- PTA Discos - Nursery & Reception - Y1&Y2
- Parent's evening
- World Book Day
- Shakespeare Workshops - KS2
- Shakespeare Workshops - KS2
- Year 3 Egyptian Day
- Young Voices concert Co Op Live
- Reception Health Screening
- School opens - Start of Spring 1 term
- End of term (last day before Christmas)
- School opens - Start of Autumn 2 term
- End of term
- School Opens - Start of Autumn 1 term
- Inset day
- End of term (last day of school)
- School opens - Summer 2 term starts
- Inset Day
- End of term
- School opens - Summer 1 term starts
- Last day of term
- School opens - Spring 2 term starts
- Inset Day
- Last day of term
- Beat Blue Monday
- Y4 Historic Workshops
- EYFS Christmas Parties
- Y5 singing at Heatons and Dementia Friends Group
- Year 4 Carol Concert
- Y6 cinema trip
- Reception Nativity
- Y1 Christmas Performances
- Nasal Flu Vaccination Mop-Up Session
- Reception Nativities
- Ladybirds - Grandparents Decoration Day
- Caterpillars - Grandparents Decoration Day
- Reception - Grandparents Decoration Day
- Y4 CIST Christmas Workshops
- Odd Sock Day (Anti-bullying)
- Parents Evening
- Parent's evening
- Reception Maths Workshop
- School starts (Autumn 2)
- World Mental Health Day
- School Starts
- Inset Day
- School finishes for Christmas
- Reception Nativities
- Grandparents’ Decoration Day Nursery
- Nursery Christmas Performance
- Y6 Bikeability
- Y4 Trip to MOSI
- Black History Week (EYFS – whole school)
- Vision Screening for all Reception
- Flu Vaccinations (Reception to Year 6)
- Year 1 Lowry Trip
- Year 1 Lowry Trip
- Reception Phonics Workshop
- New Reception Parent welcome event
- Inset Day
- Harvest Service KS2 Parents
- School finishes - end of term
- Y1 phonics parent workshop
- Start of term
- End of term
- PTA Meeting @ 8pm
- Caterpillar Graduation Ceremony
- Ladybird Graduation Ceremony
- Drop in session for parents with NW junior community room
- Transition Day (Reception to Year 5)
- Reception's Smithill Trip
- Nursery Reddish Vale Farm trip
- Nursery visit Elms cottage
- KS2 Sports Day
- KS1 Sports Day
- Show Racism the Red Card Y5/6 Workshops
- Class Photographs - Bentley Photographic
- Eyam Trip Yr 6
- Come and Play with the Halle (Year 4)
- Year 6 Residential
- School Disco (Juniors)
- School Disco (Infants)
- Summer Fair
- Father's Day Gift Sale
- Nursery New Parent Meeting
- Reception New Parent Meeting
- Inset Day
- Whit Holiday
- Year 6 SAT's Week
- Miss Theobold's Class Worship
- Mrs Mellor's Class Worship
- Scholastic Book Fair - Both Sites
- Mrs Hadfield's Class Worship
- PTA Meeting
- Mrs Johnson's Class Worship
- PTA Gardening Day at the Infants
- 'Can Year 5 run for an entire school morning?'
- Mother's Day Gift Sale
- PTA Race Night
- Reading Café - Year 1 ES
- Reading Café - Reception KJ
- Reading Café - Year 2 CK
- Reading Café - Nursery Ladybirds
- Reading Café - Year 1 HE
- Reading Café - Year 2 MA
- Reading Café - Nursery Caterpillars
- Reading Café - Reception LH
- Reading Café - Reception AM
- Reading Café - Year 1 GF
- Reading Café - Year 2 TB
- World Book Day
- KS2 Shakespeare Workshop
- KS2 Shakespeare Workshop
- Year 4 Victorian Workshop
- Year 3 The Wild Road Show Visit
- Spring 2 Begins
- Inset Day
- Children's Mental Health Week - Non Uniform Day
- Children Break for Spring Half Term
- Year 1 Mrs Flowers' Class Worship
- Year 6 Miss Hughes' Class Worship
- Year 5 Mrs Gibbs' Class Worship
- Year 3 Mr Powell's Class Worship
- Year 2 Rockpool Experience Day
- Year 4 Roman Experience Day
- Mrs Brokenbrow's Class Assembly
- Spring Term Begins
- Christmas Colouring Competition Deadline
- PTA Dress - Down Friday - Cake Donation
- EYFS Christmas Parties
- Junior Carol Concert
- Year 2 Christmas Sing-along
- Reception Nativity
- Nursery Nativity
- Reception Nativity
- Year 1 Nativity
- Year 1 Nativity
- Upper Key Stage Two Pantomime
- Lower Key Stage Two Pantomime Visit
- Key Stage One Pantomime Visit
- Year 3 Stone Age Day
- EYFS Post-Box Walk
- Intra-Health Nasal Flu Vaccinations
- Reception Vision Screening
- Mr Bleasdale's Class Assembly
- Year 5 Boys Football Match at The Barlow Didsbury
- Parents' Evening - Ladybirds
- Parents' Evening
- Parents' Evening
- Reception Maths Workshop
- Year 4 Trip to MOSI
- Autumn Half Term Holiday
- PTA Christmas Fair
- Show Racism the Red Card
- School Photographs
- PTA Meeting
- PTA Welcome Meeting
- Ladybirds Graduation Assembly
- Caterpillars Graduation Assembly
- PTA Summer Fair - Junior Department
- PTA Father's Day Gift Sale.
- Nursery Sports Day - Ladybirds
- Nursery Sports Day - Caterpillars
- Wear Green for Mental Health Awareness Week
- Sports Day - Junior Department
- Sports Day - Infant Department
- School Photograph Day
- King's Coronation Bank Holiday
- New Parent Meeting Nursery Intake September 2023
- New Parent Meeting - Reception Intake September 2023
- Scholastic Book Fair at Infant and Junior Sites
- Bank Holiday
- Reception Classes trip to Smithills Open Farm
- Nursery trip to Reddish Vale Farm
- Year 1 ES trip to Manchester Airport Runway Visitors Park
- Year 1 HE trip to Manchester Airport Runway Visitors Park
- Year 1 GM trip to Manchester Airport Runway Visitors Park
- EYFS visit from The Wild Roadshow
- PTA Bubbles & Bingo
- PTA Mother's Day Gift Sale
- Reading & Spelling Drop-In Session
- Year 1 HE - Class Assembly
- Y2MA Trip to Nantwich
- Y2TB Trip to Nantwich
- Y2CK Trip to Nantwich
- Parents' Evening JH/SG
- Year Two - Maths Parent Event
- Year One - Maths Parent Event
- Reception - Maths Parent Event
- Parents' Evening
- Parents' Evening
- World Book Day
- KS1 and KS2 Discos (Dates TBC)
- Y6 Mock SATS Week
- Nursery Christmas Party Day
- Junior Carol Service led by Year 4 in Church
- Reception Nativity in Church
- Reception Nativity in Church
- Christmas Dinner Day
- Reception - Grandparent’s Decoration Day Afternoon Session
- Nursery Ladybirds – Grandparent’s Decoration Day Afternoon Session
- Reception - Grandparent’s Decoration Day Morning Session
- Nursery Ladybirds – Grandparent’s Decoration Day Morning Session
- Y1/Y2 Nativity Performance
- Nursery Christmas Songs in Church
- Y1/Y2 Nativity Performance
- Y1/Y2 Nativity Performance
- Nursery Caterpillars - Grandparent’s Decoration Day Afternoon Session
- Nursery Caterpillars – Grandparent’s Decoration Day Morning Session
- PTA Christmas Fair
- Scholastic Christmas Book Fair
- Year 6 Kingswood Trip
- Year 4 PGL Residential Trip
- Young Voices Y5&6
- Y5 Tatton Park Trip
- Stone Age Day
- Summer Break
- Inset Day
- Bank Holiday
- Inset Day
- Half Term Break
- Easter Monday
- Good Friday
- Easter Break
- Half Term Break
- First Day Back
- Inset Day
- Christmas Break
- RE and Art Week
- Music Performance Week
- Friendship Week
- Parent's Evenings
- Half-Term Break
- Flu Sprays (consent needed)
- International Day of Languages
- School Council Election Day
- Bank Holiday- School Closed
- PTA Summer Fair
- St Thomas' Open Evening
- Y3 Trip to Chester Zoo
- KS1 (am) & KS2 (pm) Sports Day
- PTA Bubbles and Bingo
- Junior disco
- Infant Disco
- PTA Dig Day at the juniors
- Y6 Residential Trip
- Inset Day
- Inset Day
- Last Day of Term
- First Day Back
- PTA Fashion Show
- PTA Meeting
- New Term Starts
- Inset Day
- Inset Day
- Summer Holiday Begins
- Y6 production week
- Y6 leaver's service
- Last Day of Half Term
- Young Voices
- STEM week
- Year 6 SATS
- Y4 Residential Trip
- Easter Holidays
- Y5 Tatton Park Trip
- Y1 Football Event
- Social Worker Drop-In Session
- Red Nose Day
- Art Week
- World Book Day
- UKS2 Shakespeare Workshops