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St Thomas’ Primary School we use Tapestry to record and share observations of the children’s learning. Observations are taken during the children’s ‘Choosing Time’ where we challenge the children to independently develop their learning and skills further. Staff are their to scaffold the children’s learning through deeper level questioning, sustained shared thinking and support when required.

For more information about Tapestry, click here – Tapestry in the Early Years Foundation Stage

As stated in the EYFS Framework 2022, ‘Assessment should not entail prolonged breaks from interaction with children, nor require excessive paperwork’. Therefore, observations are recorded at key learning points whilst demonstrating the high quality adult interactions that have taken place.

Alongside Tapestry, each child has their own Independent Work Folder that contains work that has been completed during the provision time. To find out more about the important of play within the EYFS, click here Why do we Play

Home School Links

At St Thomas’ we value the home-school links. We actively promote parents sharing their child’s learning with us so it can be celebrated in class and it can help us understand more about our children. We share our ‘Weekly Learning’ through Tapestry where we set the children learning challenges that they may wish to do at home. Please upload any pictures or videos of your child completing these challenges, any of their own challenges with their learning or celebrations that are important to your child.

For more information about how to add an observation, click here Adding Observations

For ideas of activities that can be carried out at home to support your child’s readiness for school, click here – New Starter Advice