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Stockport Local Authority manages the process of our admissions for both Nursery and Reception.  Please refer to the Stockport Council’s Admissions Team for admission arrangements;

Admission to Nursery

The published admissions number for our Nursery is 40 (15 hour) places. The Caterpillars attend Nursery from 8.45am – 3.15pm on a Monday and Tuesday, and 8.45am – 11.45am on a Wednesday morning. The Ladybirds attend Nursery from 1pm – 3.15pm on a Wednesday afternoon, and 8.45am – 3.15pm on a Thursday and Friday. We are also able to offer some 30 hour places for 3 and 4 year olds. These would be based on availability, eligibility and our Nursery criteria, which can be found on Stockport Council’s website. The admissions’ criteria can be found on the link below:

Your child can start with us from the September after they turn 3. To apply for a place and for more information on application deadlines, follow the Stockport Council website

Your child’s 3rd birthdayEarliest Nursery placeDeadline Closing Date
Before 31st August 2021September 202431st March 2024

If you are interested in coming to visit the school for a Parent/Carer Tour, or you would like further information, please contact us on:

0161 432 6809 (option 2).

Admission in Reception

Applying for a Reception place is a new and separate process. You must make a new application for a Reception place via Stockport Council’s website. You can only apply online. Even if your child has attended Nursery at our School, it does not give them automatic entry or priority into our Reception classes at St. Thomas’ CE Primary School.

St. Thomas’ CE Primary School follows Stockport Council’s admission arrangements for Primary Schools. Details for Primary School applications can be found here:  Our school’s published admission number (PAN) for Reception, is 90 places.

In-Year Admissions – If you are looking to move to a School within the Stockport area, please visit Stockport Council’s website on the link below for further information:

If you are interested in coming to visit the school for a Parent/Carer Tour, or you would like further information, please contact us on:

0161 432 6809 (option 2).