At St Thomas’ CE Primary School we embrace cultural and linguistic diversity as a rich resource for the whole school. We understand that pupils’ achievement is linked to a welcoming, nurturing, language-rich environment in which children feel accepted, valued and motivated. Our intent is to enable children to become confident and skilled speakers and writers of English, in all areas of the curriculum, so that they will achieve their full academic potential. Our teaching will use resources that reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of both our school community and the wider world; all lessons will include a variety of activities and teaching styles to support the specific needs of EAL learners.
Oracy is at the heart of everything we do.
ESOL: link for anyone who would like to improve their English

OMNIGLOT link: discover other languages
BBC BITESIZE: resources for learning English for speakers of different languages

Each term we look at a different language which is spoken by pupils in our school.
This term we are learning some PASHTO.
Check out this resource to find out about Pashto.
Previously we have learned some UKRAINIAN.
Follow this link for a Ukrainian phrasebook (thanks to Duolingo)
ONE MINUTE UKRAINIAN Follow this link for short video lessons.
Enjoy learning Ukrainian!
Вивчайте українську із задоволенням
Vyvchayte ukrayinsʹku iz zadovolennyam
We also learned some ARABIC. Follow the links to learn a few phrases!
Arabic has a very different writing system from English. Follow this link to find out more.
BBC Languages – information about Arabic
We have also learned some SPANISH. Follow the links for games and further information:

GREETINGS Wordwall game
COLOURS Wordwall game

Допомога українським сім’ям у Стокпорті
Support for Ukrainian pupils and families: Stockport Council link
If you have any more questions about our curriculum, please use the ‘Contact Us’ button at the top of this page.