March 03, 2024
PTA Race Night
A massive thank you to the team who organised and ran the Race Night last week! It was a great turn out on the night! A huge thank you to everyone who attended, we hope you picked a winner on the night or won a great raffle prize. The first 100 Club draw took place and winners will be notified.
The team raised an amazing £1230!

PTA Mothers Day Gift Sale
A big thank you to Becky Judson for buying all the gifts again this year, and for the PTA committee and helpers for wrapping all of the gifts for last week’s gift sale. We hope the children enjoyed choosing gifts for their loved! The total profit made to be donated to Sands will also be announced soon.
PTA Colouring Competition
The PTA colouring competition is back for Easter, and entry sheets will have come home with your children today. The colouring competition is completely voluntary.
Please return any completed entries with the £1 entry fee by Tuesday 26th March 2024. Prizes will handed out before the Easter holidays. If your child has not come with an entry sheet, the below link will enable you to download one.
Next PTA Meeting
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 26th March 2024, from 8pm in The Elizabethan. Please do join us as everyone is always welcome at our meetings. We need to start planning the Summer Fair so let us know if you have an idea for a stall or can spare some time to help organise this event.