March 03, 2024

On Wednesday 13th March 2024, the North West Air Ambulance landed in the Infant Playground while dealing with an emergency in the local area. Although the Doctor and Paramedic on board were attend the incident, the helicopter pilot, Dave O’Toole was extremely friendly and allowed our children to come onto the playground and look at the helicopter. He let them take lots of photos and answered questions from children and staff. Our thoughts and prayers are with the individual who was injured on Wednesday, but it is fair to say that it was a very unexpected and exciting interlude for both the children and staff alike.
The pilot, Dave O’Toole informed us that this year is the 25th Anniversary of the North West Ambulance Service and explained that this essential service runs on charitable donations alone and is not funded by the government in anyway, therefore when considering any charitable giving, it would be great to support the NWAS.