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At St Thomas’ CE, our ethos is ‘Learning and growing in the sight of God’. We aim to be an exceptional school with Christian Values. At St Thomas’ the teachings of Jesus weave through the curriculum and school life upholding the biblical values of justice, compassion and perseverance. Perseverance is a key value in Computing at St Thomas’. The children demonstrate this value when writing code, debugging code and creating digital content. Compassion and justice are also key values in Computing at our school in order for children to use technology safely and respectfully and become safe and responsible digital citizens.

The computing curriculum at St Thomas’ CE plays a vital role in preparing every child with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to ensure digital literacy and thriving as 21st century citizens. The curriculum content and design improves children’s general knowledge of the digital world and provides first hand experiences using laptops, interactive whiteboards and iPads, whatever a child’s social background, enabling all children to access the full computing curriculum.

If you have any more questions about our curriculum, please use the ‘Contact Us’ button at the top of this page.